Saturday, November 29, 2014
My Girls
Ok, let's go back when Journey's Edge Farm was just an idea and a hope to when I lived on the internet researching goat farming. I read countless articles on raising and caring for dairy goats, each one giving a different tip on feeding methods, health care, and overall tending the goats. I took a tidbit from each one compiling what I thought was good advise on raising my girls. One article stood out in my mind considering that I love to sing, whether I am good or not is not my concern, I know I enjoy it. The farmer in the article mentioned singing to their goats or playing a radio for company. They told of how it seemed to calm them and anyone who likes to sing knows that it makes you happy as well. So, with it being the Christmas season, well and Christmas carols are my favorite, I began to sing Silent Night to my girls one evening when feeding. The reaction was so heart felt that it immediately brought tears to my eyes. They both looked up at me as if to say thank you for the tune, but it was my little Grace who stole my heart. Grace gazed up at me resting her head on my arm, for I was also petting them as a sang, and she seemed to be focused on each word as if truly listening for it's meaning. At that moment my girls also became my friends giving me as much comfort as I do them.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Wow, it is almost winter! The time passes so fast. The other day my brother-in-law brought his cattle down from the hill, we are making plans for winterizing our dog kennels, and I begin being a worry wart, making sure all the chickens and other animals are safe and warm from the snow. I have even been looking at coats for my two goats, Willow and Grace. I notice we are not the only ones making arrangements for possibly bad weather. The grass has stopped growing so that any tender blades would not be smothered by the snow, the trees have shed their leaves to keep snow from sticking to them and weighting down the branches causing them to break, and the wildlife have grown a new thick layer of fur to accommodate the weather. Then as I look out at the farm I realize that we are not the only ones who change, well I do know that these changes take place, but I feel like I just expect them to and I don't appreciate what really happens. The earth prepares itself just as we do! Just as we would fancy up for a big party, the earth snuggles in for the winter. Then when the ground begins to warm again earth's decorations begin to appear blanketing all surroundings with it's beauty. Just as we have to rest after a long day at work, the earth also needs a reprieve to build up strength for the next big event. So let's not look at possible a snowy, cold winter as doom and gloom, look at it as a restful period of time waiting for a big celebration. I write poetry so I wanted to share this idea with you all.
As we hear the leaves
crumple under
our feet,
And watch as the trees
transform into sleek,
smooth wonders,
mighty under the vast
blue depth,
Hush and be still
listen to all that
Hush and be still
listen to what?
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